
So This Is Kind of Prejudiced + a Fun Rant

The Star Trib, my paper of choice, has an interesting article up on their site today.  I was drawn to it's headline - "Flu can't stop Cinco de Mayo."

That's the go get 'em attitude that writers like in us Mexicans.  Against all odds we're getting together to celebrate a major cultural holiday!  The pluck!  The nerve!  The tenacity in the face of certain death!  The massive amounts of hand sanitizer!  Good thing the 4th of July is still on, right?

If this was Kholrabi Day or the Raspberry Fesival or something this wouldn't even be a story but Oh My God the Mexicans are gathering en masse and who knows how mayn of them are newly arrived illegals so this is apparently amazing that Cinco wasn't cancelled?  Right.

Never mind that barely nine people may have been infected in MN and seven of those didn't need any sort of hospitalization.  Or that Mexico has experienced a whopping 3% fatlity rate from it and here in the old USA it's .5%.  Or that this "pandemic" hasn't affected anyone you know.  Or that if you ask your grandparents they could probably tell you about a real epidemic that affected their friends like polio.  For God's sake, there was hand sanitizer all over the Cystic Fibrosis walk this morning!  I didn't use any just to freak people out, but now I'm barfing and coughing up pig parts.  Psyche.

This might be a terrible thing to say and if I die from a horrible strain of  moose flu or some dumb bullshit I guess that's karma, but bring on the REAL epidemic.  Thin the herd.  Traffic sucks and I'm sick of ice shelves the size of Rhode Island falling into the ocean.

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