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I only say the above because movies, you know, end. If you guys haven't seen this trailer for the super-secret J.J. Abrams project codenamed Cloverfield your lives are apparently empty of the unfounded yet inexplicably real and newfound terror that a monster is probably one day going to destroy New York. Really, it could happen to any of us. Just look how the monster ruined that nice guy's going away party...
Hey everyone, as my friends Anders and Jackie get ready to move to Pullman, WA they've started a new blog. I'll be a contributor, apparently to spice the thing up with tales of my exotic affairs around the world with women of all cultures. So as soon as that stuff happens you'll see it there first. I'm sure I'll also offer up beer news, drink ideas and general alcohol related and induced commentary. Alcohol - the formula for success!

Introducing Cheese, the coolest dog on this whole damned planet! We got him on Sunday and he is a flippin' genius. He already rings a bell to go to the bathroom and when I woke up last night I think I heard him reciting poetry. Plus yesterday he balanced my checkbook.
When I brought him to a Fat Tire event at Nicollet Island it also gave Gregoire an idea that we could buy cheap puppies and rent them out to guys to take to the park and meet girls. Of course, we wouldn't need that, but some of you losers out there would. 50 bucks for one afternoon of awkward conversation with girls out of your league? What a deal!
Dudes. You all have to leave right now and go to see Transformers. So, so sweet. If you like explosions, or robots, or robots that make things explode, this movie is the one for you.
Right off the bat the movie grabs you by your puny organic face and starts shaking you around. As this Blackhawk helicopter lands at an air base in the desert and starts just messing all these fools up, you will be so pumped. The sound! When they transform they make that old school sound!
The movie lets you chill for a while until Bumblebee rumbles with Barricade, the cop car (even though I thought that Prowl was the cop car). Then just when you think things are going to jump off, though, they don't. Michael Bay waits until the last half hour of the movie to give you what you want: complete robotic mayhem.
I will admit it - I loved the Transformers cartoon when I was little and from what I'd seen of the movie I was really excited to see it. I could be biased. Jamie, on the other hand, had no idea what the hell Transformers were until she saw the movie and had never heard of the cartoon. She loved it, too. The effects are, of course, the centerpiece of the movie and they are awesome. My only complaint is that the transformations happen so fast and most of the little details, the little moving parts involved, are just implied. The highlights of the movie come when Bay kicks it into slow-mo to showcase the transforming, like when an Autobot leaps out of his carmode, spiraling to avoid rockets and returns fire as he ducks and weaves down a city street. Damn! So cool.
Perhaps the best and most frustrating news is that it is so open for a sequel. As Optimus Prime closes with a little monologue aimed at other Autobots scattered across the galaxy, asking them to join him in protecting our planet, I realized that some of the Decipticons lived. More robot fights on the horizon! Yes! Then I realized that I would have to wait years before I got to see a new Transformers movie. Crap! has needed a mascot for a long time and Ben and Jen Hedrington just provided me one. One day Will is going to be a seven-foot tall conqueror who eats flaming rocks for breakfast and holds the fury of two suns in his fists, yet is as righteous and just as Jesus and as smooth as Sam Jackson. For now, he's the mascot. Baby steps.