Did you know the President of Kazakhstan visited D.C. and President Bush yesterday? He did, and on the agenda was asking for aid in stopping Borat, from Da Ali G Show on HBO. He's concerned that Borat is giving the world a bad impression of Kazakhstan, which I say is better than no impression, but whetever.
Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) held a press conference in front of the Kazakhstani embassy that must have made the Kazakhstani President poop his pants with rage. Check out a portion of his statement here, where he speaks out against the lies of tolerance the Uzbekis are spreading, and where he invites American dignitaries to an after-party at Hooters. An excerpt:
"If there is one more item of Uzbek propaganda claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tons of human pubis per year, then we will be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapults."
The Press Secretary of Kazakhstan actually responded! "He is not a Kazakh," he said. "What he represents is a country of Boratastan, a country of one." Oooo, BURN!!